Citizen Finance: Meta City

World's first blockchain enabled First Person Shooter across multiple platform with support for Non-Fungible Token and Game Finance.

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Welcome to Meta City, a place where FPS meets NFT with an introduction to GameFi. Meta City is a First Person Shooter where players battles for survival as they journey across conquered districts of Meta City, building up their bunker with collected in-game assets, defeating the enemy and assisting the government reclaim conquered districts.

What is Citizen Finance?

Citizen Finance is an introduction to GameFi and true ownership of in-game assets. While acting as a bridge between the world of traditional gaming and blockchain, Citizen Finance will create a platform where players are the true owners of their in-game assets, they can stake it, resell it, gift it or simply use it as collateral.

Right to property is often classified as human right which gives every citizen the right to own property purchased using their own fund. Property can include real estate, autos and in our case virtual properties like in-game assets. The main property rights are;

Right of Control

Right of Possession

Right of Exclusion

Right to Derived Income

Right of Disposition

Till date, one of the most prominent problem in the traditional video gaming industry is denial of property right when it comes to in-game assets. Players are not the true owners of their in-game assets even if they had purchased it with in-game currency which in turn was purchased with fiat currency. What they can do with the asset is limited to the utilities of the game. The player lacks true control of their assets, can not derived income from it and also can not dispose it.

 Blockchain technology has enabled some games introduced true ownership of in-game assets but the utilities for this new concept is still small and has no real impact in the industry. Citizen Finance will be introducing new concepts and utilities for in-game assets using blockchain technology


Unlike traditional FPS, Meta City has limited number of in-game assets in which players can purchase from the primary store. Players will only be able to purchased weapons and other items not available on the primary store from players who will put them up for sale on the secondary store.

"The lower the Supply, The higher the Value"


Blockchain-enabled concept which gives players full control of their in-game assets. Players can freely deposit and withdraw items in and out of the game without restrictions.

Purchase weapons with high class and rarity to battle aliens, withdraw them for staking or trade them or secondary marketplace.

"If you are not allowed to withdraw it, you don't own it"

Play to Earn

In other to motivate committed players of Meta City, Citizen Finance will be rewarding players with Ciphi token and in-game drop.

Players will be able to collect in-game assets by playing the game, discovering treasure chest which are hidden all over the game and converting their in-game currency into ciphi token. A treasure chest can contain boosters, health kit, weapons and even a rare bunker system which are not available for purchase on the in-game store.

"The more you Play, The more you Earn"


Team up with your friends for an action-packed multiplayer adventure. Be a part of Metro district brave soldiers and reclaim your city from invaders.


Citizen Meta City

A blockchain based First Person Shooter running on Binance smart chain. Experience an action-packed adventure as you journey through conquered territories of Meta City, building up your own bunker and defeating the aliens.

Citizen Santa Fe

Santa Fe is a decentralized staking and lending protocol with in-game asset at the core. Santa Fe runs on the Binance smart chain which guarantees low cost gas fee and fast transactions.

Citizen CifiPowa

An introduction to Skin as a Virtual Commodity (SaaVC). CifiPowa is a web tool that enables users converts images and professional designs to nft-based digital art on the Binance smart chain.

Citizen CifiPowa X

CifiPowa X is an extended reality based application that enables immersive experience on nft-based artwork.

CifiPowa Beta Version is Live

Citizen Finance is proud to release the beta version of CifiPowa to the general public. Cifipowa is a web-based application that allows artist to draw and convert graphics into nft-based art.

CifiPowa is a free to use tool with no software installation requirement. It can be accessed from a mobile and pc browser. The web tool is based on Binance smart chain which requires artist to connect wallet before they can be able to access the environment.

Beta Version

The Beta version enables artist to edit and create new graphics using the environment. Finished work can be stored on local computer as PNG, JPEG and other supported image extensions. The editor also allow artist to store unfinished work as JSON for future modification.

Next Updates

CifiPowa is expected to go through series of updates before becoming a bug-free and full-fledged editor. The next phase of release will be;

· Release of Minting option — Artist will be able to mint already created art into the binance smart chain as ERC721 token

· Release of Registry System — This feature allows artist to create their own registry of art. This can also be referred to as collection of art with same library.

· Manager — Manager tool allows artist to mint new token into their created registry, transfer nft-based art and also burn the token.

Next-Generation NFT Utilities with CifiPowa X

Just like the advent of Decentralized Finance, Non-fungible token concept is currently the trending topic in the crypto space. The technology has seen rapid growth since September 2020 with millions of dollars in trading volume.

Although the concept is not new, as projects like bitcoin 2.x and Cryptokitties already implemented it way back in 2021 and 2017 respectively, the hype is coming after the decentralized finance era.

There are lots of use case of nfts but the prominent and most successful can be found in art and gaming industries. The integration of nfts into art and gaming provide security, value, uniqueness and full ownership to holders which makes the technology more appreciated among gamers and art collectors.

The NFT space currently is packed with lots of projects but sadly there are few projects with real utilities when it comes to nfts. Lots of companies introduced nft into their ecosystem not because they have real use case for it but just to follow the nft trend. There are lots of nfts which are just tokens as they were created without any sustainable utilities.

CifiPowa as a Non-fungible token project.

CifiPowa is one of Citizen Finance application which enables nft minting and trading on the Binance Smart Chain. The application is a one-stop place for everything non-fungible token with an inbuilt graphic editor that enables artist to create, modifies and mint their own art work into the blockchain.

CifiPowa enables artist to mint single nft-based art on CifiPowa registry or create their own registry for minting multiple artworks. CifiPowa introducing trading on already minted nfts using auction or fix styles. Artist can directly trade their nft on the same platform it was created with just a simple click. This will remove the stress for looking for available market to trade your already minted nft-based art.

Innovative Feature of CifiPowa X

Art industry is currently the most successful when it comes to NFT utilities but more can still be done. Purchasing of nft-based art needs more use case instead of just buying and reselling, holding on wallet (like an ordinary shitcoin) or staking. Non-fungible token is expected to take over the art industry which will need more utilities for nft-based artwork.

CifiPowa X as a child application of CifiPowa will be introducing extended reality into nft-based artwork. Artist will be able to offer immersive experience using CifiPowa X. The application can be seen as the future of art and non-fungible token as it will introduce more utilities into the industry. With CifiPowa X, artist and museums will be able to;

· View nft using immersive technologies (AR & VR)

· Carry out indoor/outdoor exhibition with nft-based art worldwide

· Offer immersive experience

· Snap photos and make videos with their collectibles

· Play immersive games with nfts

· And many more.

CifiPowa X aim to give more innovative and immersive utilities to nfts and nftarts collectors.

For more information about CifiPowa, read here

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CifiPowa Testnet with Surajit Sen

Citizen Finance will be commencing testing of CifiPowa on Binance smart chain testnet. The test consists of creation of registry, minting of new art into exisiting registry, transfer of minted art from one address to another and burning of nft by owner.

To make the test run smoothly, Citizen Finance will be using digital 3d art work from Surajit Sen, an Indian based 3d artist and sculptor. Artwork from Surajit portfolio will be used to test minting of digital artwork into nft. The test will be carried out in Two (2) phases;

Phase One: Internal Test

Citizen Finance team will carry out internal test of all functionalities which are expected to be available on CifiPowa. While utilizing digital artwork from Surajit Sen portfolio, Team will test function of converting 3d artwork into nft and display them on frontend of the application. 3D artwork minted will be made public on the frontend at the end of the phase which will usher in the second phase.

Phase Two: Public Test

Phase 2 will open up CifiPowa to the general public to create their own registry and mint their own art on Binance smart chain (testnet). The testnet will support image file extension such as; PNG, JPEG, WEPB and GLB (for 3D files). Registry and Art will also be available on the frontend but no real transaction such as buying and selling will take place as its just a test version.

Integration with CifiPowa X

Citizen Finance team will commence test of integrating CifiPowa with CifiPowa X mobile augmented reality application after the successful test of both phases. This test will be internal and not expected to make public till Q3 2021.

About GLB Files

GLB is a 3D file format that’s used in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), games, and web applications because it supports motion and animation. Another advantage of the format is its small size and fast load times. GLB files are a binary version of the GL Transmission Format (glTF) file, which uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoding. So, supporting data (like textures, shaders, and geometry/animation) is contained in a single file. Source

About CifiPowa

CifiPowa is a web-based tool that enables artist create, mint and trade digital art work on blockchain as non-fungible token. The tool consists of a blockchain graphic editor, nft marketplace and a child application (CifiPowa X) that introduces immersive experience to NFT-based artwork.

About Surajit Sen

Surajit Sen is a professional 3D Modeler, Character Artist, Digital Sculptor and Texture Artist from India. He has an extensive background in traditional art including character design, product design and teaching classes of design and animations nature. He has worked in several games, advertisement and movie project including Motion Capture Movies.

Non-Fungible Token

Non-Fungible Tokens are tokenized versions of a non-fungible asset like artwork, real estate, collectibles (in-game assets in our case). These assets possess properties and individual characteristics that make them unique and valuable. Non-fungible tokens can be used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership.

NFTs are not a new concept and the first NFT-like token was the introduction of Bitcoin 2.x (aka colored coins) in 2012. While not being a new concept, the launch of Cryptokitties - a blockchain-driven platform where players have the chance to collect and breed digital cats, brought the attention of the world to this unique technology and thus began the NFT race. Cryptopunk was launched in 2017, the first project that aim to tokenize artwork using NFTs.

Why are NFTs Special?

The specialty of non-fungible tokens revolves round three (3) concept namely; Unique, Rare & Indivisible.

Unique: One major feature that makes NFTs special is the fact of it being unique. Unlike fungible token, each nft has its own unique properties (metadata) that are peculiar to one token. It's impossible for 2 NFTs in same platform to have same properties.

Rarity: NFTs are rare collectibles with limited supply. The scarcity mechanism is one thing that makes owning a non-fungible token special.

Indivisibility: Unlike fungible token, a non-fungible token can not be divided into smaller units. Bitcoin and other fungible assets can be split into smaller unit but non-fungible token needs to be bought, sold and held as a single unit.

The use case of NFTs varies depending on the business model of the platform. While for the most part, it has been used to represent arts and in-game assets but its use case are not limited to arts and gaming alone. NFTs can be used to represent company shares, bonds, real estates, membership and many others. Terra Virtua has been able to successfully implement NFTs on arts, Cryptokitties and GodsUnchained brought NFTs to in-game assets while Decentraland, The Sandbox and Spheroid Universe are giving NFTs a unique use case in the digital real estate industry.

Citizen Finance introduction of NFTs for in-game assets is mainly to promote true ownership of in-game assets and enable players to legally exchange assets between one and anothers.

Tokenomics Ciphi


Ciphi is the native token of Citizen Finance platform, the token is minted through NFT staking and Liquidity mining. Users can utilize Ciphi token to purchase nfts from the secondary marketplace, use as fees to launch own skin proposal, deployment fee for Cifipowa , stake Ciphi to earn liquidity reward and also use for lending protocol.


  • Name: CIPHI
  • Symbol: CIFI
  • Network: Binance Smart Chain
  • Decimal: 18
  • Type: Utility and Governance
  • Supply: 500,000


  • Mining (88%): 370,000
  • Presale (10): 50,000
  • Liquidity(1%): 25,000
  • Team (10%): 50,000
  • Airdrop & Bounty (1%): 5000
Liquidity will be locked for 6 months
Team token will be distributed in stages. 10% will be distributed in the beginning while 90% will be locked for 12 months. After lockup period, 5% of Team token will be released monthly.


Ciphi token can only be obtain through liquidity mining and staking of in-game assets on decentralized pool. Users who provides liquidity on decentralized exchange are rewarded in CIFI token after staking their LP.


Citizen Finance adopts a deduction mechanism whenever a player/farmer initiates an harvest. 5% of rewards is deducted and sent to the Treasury while the player/farmer receives 95%.

Distribution of Treasury Fund

  • 1% Team Wallet
  • 2% Voluntary Developers
  • 2% Reward pool

Use of Ciphi Token

  • Payment method for in-game currency
  • NFT minting fee on CifiPowa
  • Auctioning of NFTs
  • Fees for PowXR
  • Governance
  • Publisher's payment for in-game ads
  • and many more.

Reward & Buyback

Monetary Incentives

In other to motivate committed players of Meta City, Citizen Finance will be rewarding players with Ciphi token. Players will be able to convert their in-game currency to Ciphi token at the ratio of 1 meta = $0.01 worth of Ciphi token.

Buyback & Burn

To create more value for Ciphi token, Citizen Finance will carry out a monthly buy back using 20% of profit from primary in-game store until more than 50,000 CIFI token is completely burnt. 50% of the token purchased will be burnt while the other 50% will be sent to reward pool.


Q1 2021

Launch of website v1

CifiPowa beta release

Airdrop & Bounty

Release of Meta City Pre-Alpha (PC)

Q2 2021



Early Asset Offering (Kickstarter)

NFT distribution


Santa Fe



Citizen Pool


Launch of Registry


More development to editor

Meta City

Internal Release of Blockdown District (alpha)

Internal Release of Merchant District (alpha)

Internal Release of Norse District (alpha)

Internal Release of Port District (alpha)

Internal Release of Battlefield (Multiplayer)

Support for NFT as in-game Asset

CifiPowa X

Development of beta version

Internal Test

Public Release

Q3 2021


Support Auction-style

Multiple Minting (ERC1155)

More development to CifiPowa

Meta City

Public Release of Blockdown District (alpha)

Public Release of Merchant District (alpha)

Public Release of Norse District (alpha)

Public Release of Battlefield

Reward Pool

Internal Test of SaaVC 

CifiPowa X

Support NFT (CifiPowa)

Art Exhibition






Telegram Channel: BountyPortals Content Creators

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Bitcointalk username: Empuh Gandring

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=3239936

Telegram: @Empuhgandring

BEP-20 Address: 0x7F18085b1c0fcca8A0F2751ED735045C8A2FCd13


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