About Revomon (Revolution Monsters): new immersive Virtual Reality RPG game.

Revomon ($REVO) - A collectible monster metaverse that fully integrates NFTs with cutting edge VR, allowing our players to create real value in a virtual world.

#VirtualReality #VR #fakemon #PlayToEarn #Metaverse #collectible #gaming #Oculus #VRChat #BSCGems #MVBIII #Sidequest $REVO


Web based gaming has without a doubt turned into a peculiarity that can presently don’t be overlooked. A large number of individuals across the world play an assortment of games — some expertly, some nonchalantly. While gaming was a specialty a year prior, it’s presently the standard for some youngsters. Play-to-acquire threw around a great deal recently. Play-to-acquire is by and large what it seems like — a plan of action where clients get to play a game and procure digital currency while doing it. It’s an extremely amazing mental model since it joins two exercises that have been driving humankind since forever ago — bringing in cash and amusement. The vital part in this model is to give gamers responsibility for in-game resources and permit them to expand their worth by playing the game effectively. Ordinarily, in the crypto world, characterizing the possession and in any event, moving it is conceivable using non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

As of late another idea called Metaverse is acquiring such a lot of notoriety in the gaming business. Envision a reality where the sky is the limit, insofar as it’s planned and created. It very well may be portrayed as a universe of interminable and interconnected augmented simulations where individuals can play, meet, work, and do anything they desire, utilizing headsets, AR gadgets, and other brilliant contraptions.

For players hoping to engage in these blockchain-based VR games and begin procuring digital money and NFTs, here is another potential venture is Revomon.

Market examines by grounded substances, for example, Goldman Sachs Investment, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) USA and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) China highlight the way that the VR area has a tremendous potential throughout the next few decades.

To assist with envisioning this we will take a gander at research from the Nielsen firm and its auxiliary “SuperData” who concentrate on the gaming business intently.

In 2020, the augmented simulation market (equipment and programming) was esteemed at around 40 billion dollars.

What is Revomon?

Revomon (Revolution Monsters) is a vivid new Virtual Reality RPG game where things and beasts are genuinely possessed by its clients through NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). The game plans to be a local area driven model uniting the best of blockchain and VR gaming.

Revomon is an energizing new Metaverse that joins an unbelievable, vivid augmented simulation experience with the historic innovation behind NFTs. This cooperative energy will consider the formation of genuine worth in a virtual world by utilizing blockchain innovation.

Vision of Revomon

Revomon’s vision is to turn into the main VR game controlled by a decentralized application (Dapp) on the blockchain. Revomon is carrying four new aspects to the gaming business through the Revomon local token, $REVO: Ownership, Play to procure, Project Governance, Staking.

Proprietorship: Gamers go through hours attempting to acquire an epic thing with extraordinary worth in the game, however when they quit playing these in-game depositories disappears from their record. With the exception of a couple arising blockchain games, the whole universe of gaming is being put away on unified information bases. This outcomes in reality as we know it where players have no obvious power over their characters and things, delivering them ceaselessly dependent on concentrated elements. The Revomon project settles this issue by permitting players to keep up with responsibility for their plundered things, created things, and got beasts. This is completely empowered through tokenization. Every player will actually want to change over their resources into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which are connected to their very own wallets.

Play to procure: Revomon challenges the exemplary parent’s grumbling — “You burn through your time playing these dumb games !”. Presently you’ll have the option to unquestionably say with Revomon you are not burning through your time any longer, in light of the fact that the additional time you spend in-game, the more rewards you will guarantee. Your time will be spent arriving at new levels and zones and opening different accomplishments. Revomon, at its center, is tied in with making an extraordinary gaming experience that likewise has a practical and significant economy.

Administration (DAO): Revomon utilizes a decentralized independent association (DAO) empowered through the $REVO administration token. $REVO creates collaboration between the local area and the group, and permits a local area driven model for direction. Every token addresses a voice that can be communicated through votes on the future choices of the stage. So, a decentralized directorate is made for this undertaking, and you can turn out to be important for it.

Marking/Farming: Revomon’s environment will make a fascinating method of producing latent income temporarily in its beginning phases, through marking and yield cultivating pools. 35.2% of the maximum inventory will be held in the RevoVault and will be utilized exclusively to compensate all clients that stake or give liquidity to take care of DeFi conventions, for example, Uniswap and Quick trade. Basically, by adding liquidity, you will actually want to stake the LP tokens got to acquire $REVO tokens dependent on a variable APY.

Ongoing interaction

Here, players will expect the job of a Revomon Tamer and figure out how their genuine motions will allow them to cooperate with the virtual world we have made.

“Revomon collided with Earth some time before the development of mankind into the planet’s predominant power.

As time elapsed notwithstanding, these animals had to adjust to the presence of humankind. As this change happened, Revomon Tamers figured out how to carry extraordinary advantages to mankind by tackling the unimaginable force of the beasts. Numerous secrets actually stay around the enchanted capacities of the Revomon, as it appears to be that Tamers have just barely started to comprehend their actual power.

Over time different groups have arisen who see the revomon for various purposes:

The researchers, who wish to examine these revomon and to comprehend and index their exceptional capacities.
The mysterious society, comprised of the world’s generally first class and influential individuals, they see revomon as only a device to be utilized for benefit.
The rebels, who accept the world was better when people and revomon were equivalent, they will likely utilize revomon to upset the harmony.

Select your Tamer and train your Revomon in a first-individual climate inside VR, and investigate the climate by associating with different components. Utilize your slingshot to toss energy balls at Revomon to catch or delivery them.”


Players can be compensated for the hours they spend playing Revomon. Time is important and the things they gather while playing will have an incentive for different players. The game is created in view of this center point. Revomon is fueled by REVO Token, which functions as the local cash of the Revomon stage.

Token Utility

All prizes on stage like occasions, contests, missions, in-game accomplishment, Collectible NFT’s are paid in REVO tokens

REVO will be utilized as an installment mode in Revomo’s in-house commercial center for purchase sell Revomons.

REVO can be utilized as an administration token on the stage and permits a local area driven model for navigation.

Every token addresses a voice that can be communicated through votes

REVO can be utilized for Staking, Farming, Liquidity, and early game access.

Token Name: Revomon

Token Ticker: REVO

Organization: Binance Smart Chain

Absolute Supply: 100,000,000 REVO

Albeit Virtual Reality innovation appears to be new, it has now been around for over 10 years, and organizations like Oculus have been key in getting gadgets into individuals’ hands. For sure, Oculus is as of now the innovator as far as deals and dynamic clients in the VR market, which is the reason they are the best first objective for the dispatch of Revomon.

The collectible beast game class needs content on VR stores, and as of now there is no VR round of a comparative sort which additionally uses blockchain innovation with a collectible game. As the time spent gathering beasts in games like Pokémon can be extensive, the responsibility for beasts is something obviously attractive, and NFTs can at long last give extreme possession.


Jordan: CEO | CoFounder

Maxime: CTO | CoFounder

Florian: Game Director | CoFounder

Pierre: Lead Developer

Mathew: Advisor

Alberto: 3D Designer

Michael: 3D Designer

William: 2D Designer

Olie: Community Manager

Wesley: Audio Director


Pancakeswap : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap

Uniswap : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x155040625d7ae3e9cada9a73e3e44f76d3ed1409

Gate.io : https://www.gate.io/en/trade/REVO_USDT/?ch=en_sm_0921

Contract: 0x155040625d7ae3e9cada9a73e3e44f76d3ed1409

NFT Contract: 0xee35ab1effe4db2344348e3a98a6ef2687f43392

#REVO #P2E #PlayToEarn #VR #Metaverse #NFTs #NFT @RevomonVR

Website: https://revomon.io

Whitepaper: https://revomonvr.gitbook.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RevomonVR

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revomon.io

Telegram: https://t.me/revomon

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa18699GtItmSDrT2dSah4Q

Medium: https://revomon.medium.com/

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/revomon


Bitcointalk Username: Empuh Gandring

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3239936

Telegram Username: @Empuhgandring

BEP20(BSC) Wallet Address: 0x7F18085b1c0fcca8A0F2751ED735045C8A2FCd13


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